
Sustainability as a Priority

At Olivea we follow a holistic approach to Sustainability. Please read our policy and join us in contributing to environmental wellness.

1. We use energy-efficient:

  1. Magnetic key mechanisms for energy-saving when residences are unoccupied
  2. Photocells connected to external lighting for automatic shut-off in the early morning
  3. LED lamps everywhere with adjustable 3-level brightness in bedrooms
  4. A++ energy class air conditioners and major electrical appliances
  5. Solar panels for water heating, providing hot water 24/7
  6. Highly energy-efficient windows, patio and front doors
  7. High-end external insulation for year-round comfort, reducing the need for air conditioning
  8. Energy-efficient fireplace in PEARL VILLA

2. We preserve water through

  1. Collecting and repurposing rainwater for garden irrigation
  2. Advising customers to reduce water usage and be mindful of towel & bed linen changes
  3. Providing luxurious bathrobes to limit excessive towel usage
  4. Planting drought-resistant plant varieties that respect the local environment

3. We encourage recycling & composting

  1. Each Olivea home is equipped with a clearly labeled recycling bins for waste separation
  2. We provide specialized compost bins to repurpose waste as organic fertilizer for our plants

4. We minimize plastic & paper usage

  1. We avoid all single-use plastics and have replaced plastic with recyclable straws
  2. Guests are provided with reusable cloth shopping bags for eco-friendly local shopping
  3. Our high quality toiletries made of 100% natural ingredients are packed in recyclable economy size bottles (instead of miniature ones, to limit excessive plastic waste)
  4. We provide eco-friendly dishwasher liquid and sponges for cleaning dishes
  5. Olivea homes are equipped with 5lt glass jars filled with drinkable water; we are currently exploring eco-friendly alternatives to plastic water bottles (Ithaca tap water is not drinkable)
  6. We minimize paper usage. We avoid handing-out printed materials, we issue electronic receipts and send them to customer email, we use sustainable business cards and we advise our email recipients to think before printing.

5. We support local community & economy

  1. We offer local organic, artisanal products in sustainable packaging in our welcome basket
  2. We encourage our guests to prefer traditional recipes in authentic eateries, to buy traditional, locally-produced goods from Ithacan producers and to choose local enterprises for their excursions and activities
  3. We promote eco-tourism by providing complimentary non-disposable maps showcasing the island's trails and informing guests about hiking in nature
  4. We prominently display a piggy bank for the non-profit association "Argos," supporting environmental and animal welfare in Ithaca through volunteers and donations.

6. We protect the local environment

  1. Olivea Homes have been designed with the preservation of the estate's olive trees as the no.1 priority, thus each residence is embraced and shaded by its own century-old olive tree; we have also planted typical local plants, such as heathers, gorse, laurels, oleanders, bougainvilleas and local herbs
  2. We have preserved the natural white rocks that existed on the ground of the estate in predominant position and reused those that were mined from the subsoil for patio paving
  3. Olivea estate has been approved by authorities to respect archaeological heritage and the traditional Stavros Architectural style.
  4. Olivea decoration favors natural, sustainable materials, such as stone, wood, thatch, bamboo, reed, straw, sea grass, natural burlap, twine & cotton
  5. We prioritize environmentally friendly cleaners and detergents where possible and use cleaning products wisely where it is not
  6. We follow stricter than law fire safety protocols with clearly marked fire extinguishers, fire blankets, fire nests and smoke detectors.

7. We inform you respectively

Upon arrival, we showcase our Sustainability Policy and provide a QR code for easy access. Please read our policy and join us in protecting Ithaca's authentic local environment. During your stay, we would appreciate if you could make the following eco-friendly choices:

  1. Reduce energy consumption: Close windows and doors when using air conditioning (eco-mode prefered), remove your magnetic card when leaving, and turn off garden lights before you go to sleep.
  2. Reduce water consumption: Use water sparingly, opt for bathrobes instead of multiple towels, and request, in case you wish, less frequent bed linen/towel changes.
  3. Support recycling and composting: Use provided bins accordingly.
  4. Protect the local environment: Use cloth bags provided for your local shopping, avoid single-use plastics, and never flush paper or non-toilet items.
  5. Maintain a smoke-free environment: Refrain from smoking indoors; ashtrays are provided for outdoor use only.
  6. Enjoy Ithaca's untouched nature through hiking and eco-friendly water sports, such as canoe, kayak, sup, diving, snorkeling
  7. Support the local community and economy: Try authentic Ithacan recipes, buy local products, and use local tourist enterprises for excursions and activities.

We trully thank you in advance for your mindful eco-friendly choices during your stay!